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የከተማ ምርታማ ሴፍቲኔት ፕሮግራም

Program Summary

The Urban Productive Safety Net and Jobs Project (UPSNJP) is the continuation of the Urban Productive Safety Net Project (UPSNJP) that had been implemented in 11 cities for five years (2016 to 2020). Currently, the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and the World Bank expanded and covered the program in 83 cities and towns. To address the challenges of urban poverty and unemployment, the UPSNJP focuses on livelihoods and labor market integration, particularly of youth, and protecting the most vulnerable populations such as the elderly, disabled, and homeless, refugees, and host communities covering about 1,697,849 clients/beneficiaries including shock response-IDPs. As part of the UPSNJP, MoWSA is leading and implementing with partners-PDS component in 83 cities and towns in the year 2022.

Program Objective

The main project objective of UPSNJP is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in improving the incomes of the urban poor and the labor market inclusion of disadvantaged urban youth.

The key specific objective of the project is:

  • Increase in household consumption of Public Works (PW) households as a result of the project.
  • To participate youth who are wage-employed for three months after completion of the apprenticeship
  • To improve the living conditions and food security of PDS beneficiaries through monthly cash transfers and psychosocial support services and link them with available basic social services.


UPSNJP Beneficiaries (including shock response) by program component and Regions/City (2022)


Workplace TigrayProgram AfarProgram AmharaProgram BenshangulProgram GambelaProgram SouthWestProgram SNNRPProgram SidamaProgram SomaliProgram OromiaProgram HarariProgram DiredawaProgram AddisAbabaProgram

Federal Ministry of Urban & Infrastructure



1,697,849  including shock response

Click on http://www.socialprotection.gov.et/ for more information


Availible Docuemnts

UPSNJP PIM document

UPSNJP Process Evaluation doc     

UPSNJP Design document